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Hiina keel: 6_grupp prindi

Lehekülje menüü: Miks? Sisu Oskused Hindamine


Jie Chen

hiina keele õpetaja

Loodud: 12. detsember 2012. a. kell 09.14
Muudetud: 12. detsember 2012. a. kell 11.56

Õppeaasta: 2012/2013

Õppekava: Põhikooli õppekava, II veerand

Kestvus: 3 tundi nädalas

Miks me seda ainet õpime? üles


Mida me tundide jooksul teeme? (tundide kaupa) üles


Milliseid oskusi õpilased saavad? üles

Besides learning the Chinese language, the students can also learn how to cook Chinese food, make paper-cutting, and something else which is helpful to learn about Chinese culture and history.

Hindamine üles

The final grade will be given according to the attendance, the homework and the behavior in class.
I will give you a test-mark every five homework.
If one is absent more than 5 times, or he misses his homework more than 5 times, he will fail.
how to fix up?
homework: make the missed homework up before the deadline.
attendance: extra work which depends on you. (Everybody has his own reason for being absent, so just tell me what you think and what you want to do to fix up.)